;This skin was created for use specifically by WindowBlinds or programs explicitly authorized by Stardock to use WindowBlinds skins.
;This skin may not be converted, imported, or read by any program without the explicit written consent of Stardock Corporation.
;The skin itself is owned by the copyright holder (the skin author) and use of his or her's intellectual property materials is expressly forbidden without the consent of the skin author.
;When in doubt, contact legal@stardock.com
SkinName=razorart vr2 light
SkinAuthor=Ruined Inc. - a Tech13/Malform production
EditorNotes=Copyright ⌐ 2002 ruinedinc, All Rights Reserved. No portions of this skin may be used, copied or modified without express, written permission.
Generator=SkinStudio ver 1.5.0, Build 403 - http://www.skinstudio.net